Text on Dominique De Beir in Point contemporain

Very happy that my article on the exhibition series by the French artist Dominique De Beir, Accroc et Caractère, regarder et découvrir à l’intérieur, has been published in the online magazine Point contemporain. For more than 30 years, Dominique De Beir has been digging, making holes, hollowed-out dots, in relief, in all kinds of materials: archive paper, recycled paper, packaging cardboard and, more recently, insulating polystyrene. This radical gesture manifests “the affirmation of a lack, a caesura, a bodily presence that seeks to flush out the thickness of the material and refuses… Read More

Leonardo Reviews: Edgar Wind and Modern Art

In this month’s issue of Leonardo Reviews I discuss Edgar Wind and Modern Art – In Defence of Marginal Anarchy by Ben Thomas. This publication is in more than one way a timely undertaking. Connecting it to a notion of ‘Marginal Anarchy’ certainly is. Surprisingly this is the first comprehensive study of Wind’s critique of modern art. Find the full review here. Find my contributor page here.

Publications – Leonardo Reviews and Turbulences Vidéo

This month I published two articles. For Leonardo Reviews I discussed the excellent Une fille comme toi, a photo novel by Jan Baetens on the art of the photo novel, published by JBE Books. Find my review here. For the French magazine Turbulences Vidéo I reviewed the performance film Nature vive by Hantu (weber + delsaux). The film was made while the duo exhibited at the 3 rue française space of Miss China in Paris and first shown on the site of Mucem. Consult or download the magazine here. The review is… Read More

Leonardo Reviews: Duchamp and Jean De Groote

In this month’s Leonardo Reviews I write about Jacquelyn Baas’s brilliant book on Duchamp and the more than probable influence of tantric practices on his work and thinking. Robbert Maddox-Harle reviewed Jean De Groote’s book to which I contributed a small text. You can find both here.      

Prelude: Melancholy of the Future

Antony Hudek, the new director of MDD – Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, invited me some months ago to write a text about my time as the first director (1999-2004). This resulted in a really nice series of conversations and a massive trip back down memory lane. And a nice book that accompanies the exhibition Prelude: Melancholy of the Future with texts by Oscar van den Boogaard, Sibran Sampers, Lieve D’hondt, Frank Benijts and me (in Dutch and English). As part of this project I will also take part in the Prelude Talks on Saturday… Read More

Leonardo Reviews: Curating as Ethics

In this month’s issue of Leonardo Reviews I discuss Curating as Ethics by Jean-Paul Martinon. In an attempt to define these ethics, Martinon introduces the act of ‘curating philosophy’ which I think would possibly have been a better title for his book. Find the full review here.

Entre chien et loup

One of the first things I was invited to do last year when I started teaching at ESADHaR in Rouen was to replace someone for the opening lecture of the conference Strategies abstraites de la peinture contemporaine. The proceedings of this conference, which was organised in collaboration with the institute Acte (EA 7539 Art, création, théorie, esthétique), École des arts, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, are now published. Sara Bomans, Mini’s !, 2019 (mur du “musée” :31x23cm ; hauteur petite sculpture au premier plan : 6,7cm). Stijn Cole, Mont Ventoux 14/04/2019 à 12h10… Read More

Leonardo Reviews – La cathédrale de Monet by Yadegar Asisi

Yadegar Asisi in front of his panorama. In this month’s Leonardo Reviews I discuss the XXL Panorama-project for the Normandie Impressioniste Festival in Rouen by Yadegar Asisi. Different to other current largescale projections of artists such as Van Gogh or Klimt, Yadegar Asisi, a specialist in panorama painting, has performed in-depth artscience research into the work of Monet and his panorama is the blown-up result of his own painting.  Find the full review here.

Leonardo Reviews – Habiter en oiseau

Wrote another review for Leonardo, this time on Vinciane Despret‘s Habiter en oiseau. In this weird time, listening to birds communicating with each other and the world around them is more important than ever. Read my review here.

Leonardo Reviews – Architectures of the Unforeseen

Just published – my review of Brian Massumi’s Architectures of the Unforeseen: Essays in the Occurrent Arts. A book that reminded me of making mille-feuille for which the dough has to be stretched and folded back into itself multiple times in order to finally achieve the delicate, fine-layered pastry. Intricate, not straight forward, to be revisited. Find the full review here.