Goodbye 2023, hello 2024!

2023 wasn’t too bad for Bureau Doove. We curated the Watou Arts Festival and co-organized Laser Talks at NICC Brussels, KIKK Festival and the Royal Academy of Antwerp. And we published an article on Dominique De Beir in Point Contemporain. A big thank you to all the artists and others that we collaborated with. We are excited to be currently working on new projects, amongst which the exhibition and publication RE-SEARCH on the Belgian Research Group and their influence on art education in collaboration with The Stadsmus and PXL-MAD School of Arts… Read More

Text on Dominique De Beir in Point contemporain

Very happy that my article on the exhibition series by the French artist Dominique De Beir, Accroc et Caractère, regarder et découvrir à l’intérieur, has been published in the online magazine Point contemporain. For more than 30 years, Dominique De Beir has been digging, making holes, hollowed-out dots, in relief, in all kinds of materials: archive paper, recycled paper, packaging cardboard and, more recently, insulating polystyrene. This radical gesture manifests “the affirmation of a lack, a caesura, a bodily presence that seeks to flush out the thickness of the material and refuses… Read More

Laser Talks Brussel & MAXlab – Restoring the Human Element

For our 12th Laser Talk on Thursday 9 November we are happy to collaborate with MAXlab at the Royal Academy of Antwerp. The concept of Restoring the Human Element – The Power of Transdisciplinary Collaboration between Arts, Science and Technology was proposed by Kristof Timmermans who organizes the MAXlab together with Professor Ronny Blust. The current state of our society is a product of the technological developments that originated in the second half of the past century. These accelerating technological innovations have shaped our way of life profoundly. From the advent of… Read More

LASER TALKS – sunEARth / sunearth cohabitate / the solar pulsations echoing in the Earth’s biosphere – video

The subject of the first LASER talk in Brussel of this season was motivated by the artistic practice-based PhD-research “An Echo of the Sun” conducted by Pepa Ivanova at LUCA, School of Arts, and KU Leuven in collaboration with the Royal Observatory of Belgium (2019-2023). Please find the video of the talk via this link. While current research in artscience focuses on AI, bio media, and human-caused environmental changes, this talk discusses the sun-earth cohabitation. The research focuses on the physical processes of the sun captured by solar and earth observations which… Read More

Alexandra Dementieva’s Source of Energy finalist in Falling Walls

Alexandra Dementieva‘s installation Source of Energy was selected in the category Art and Science of Falling Walls – a unique international platform for leaders from the worlds of science, business, politics, the arts and society. As a Finalist Alexandra Dementieva is one step closer to becoming the Science Breakthrough of the Year 2023, which is awarded once in each category, from Life Sciences to Social Sciences & Humanities. Other nominees in the category Art and Science are amongst others Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau and Eduardo Kac. The light sculpture Source of… Read More

Emma Genty – Biennale de Mulhouse et résidence de Currer Bell #6

Au mois de juin, Emma Genty exposera d’abord son travail à la Biennale de Mulhouse avant de partir à Saint-Nazaire pour une résidence de deux semaines chez Currer Bell. Lors du premier confinement de la pandémie de Covid-19, il était impossible de s’inspirer de nouvelles natures pour Emma Genty. Pour contourner cette contrainte, elle s’est échappée dans des magasines de tourisme et de sciences et explorations. À partir de ces échappées, la série Trop Beau, compositions de faux paysages, a vu le jour. L’illusion de nature véritable est omniprésente car ces environnements… Read More

Patchwwwork 2024 Call

Your art at Arts Festival Watou? Arts Festival Watou launched an open call on 10 March 2023. Koen Vanmechelen invites you, as part of Patchwwwork, to spend a few days in Watou during the summer of 2023. The open call is addressed to: The artists selected from this open call will be invited to Patchwwwork. During this three-day encampment, participants will explore how Watou as a village and as a community can connect with the artists and vice versa. After the stay, the artists will be asked to submit a project proposal. From these,… Read More

LASER Talks Brussels – Learning Through Sound

The fifth edition of LASER Talks Brussels took place on Tuesday 29 March at 7pm CET at iMAL – Center for Digital Cultures in Brussels with panelists Aernoudt JACOBS, Katrien KOLENBERG and Mathieu ZUSTRASSEN. You can watch the talk here. LASER Talks Brussels are chaired by Alexandra Dementieva, moderated by Edith Doove and hosted by iMAL. Sound helps us interact with the world and with each other, sonification gives a great possibility to present and analyse data. Space around us is filled with humming, murmuring, reverberating, carrying information. Sound waves can be a means of diagnosing health conditions and of… Read More

Nathalie Hunter at Markt 1, Rumst

For some time now Nathalie Hunter has been exploring ceramics as a medium. But she also remains a fantastic draughtswoman. In a recent series of drawings for the ceramics center Markt 1 in Rumst, Belgium she combines her love for drawing and ceramics. Find her project and Nathalie’s comments on it below: The Markt 1 Ceramic Art Center was created out of a willingness to bring people together. The founders had raised a crazy amount of money in Dec 2018 to help people with ALS disease. This brought such a such strong… Read More

Sunday END: BOLERO in Ankara

It’s Sunday’s END again and today we revisit the BOLERO-project when in 2015 it was shown in Ankara in the art space Torun and Baskent University. On that occsion no less than 11 artists joined the project: Ece Akay, Onur Kutluoğlu, Seval Sener, Umut Şumnu, Mert Acar, Erin İlkcan Aslan, Mert Batırbaygil, İpek Cınar and Gözde Çökl from Turkey as well as the Dutch artists Jerome and Roeki Symons. Find their contributions here.